Sunday, February 23, 2014

Idris Elba Photo "Bang"...I Mean...Bomb Me Anytime

While at the NAACP Image Awards Oprah posted her first selfie.   However, it didn't go quite as planned due to a photo bombing appearance from Idris Elba.   

Now, Idris might of been a little bit concerned about ruining her pic.   Shoot, Oprah is like the "Godfather  Media Mogul".  I'm sure it's not hard for her to order a beheaded horse in some person's bed

Now we all know Oprah doesn't need to do selfie pics to keep her self relevant.  Her hair is a hashtag #OprahHair, let alone all of her other accomplishments.  A variety of people, different shades and avenues  love her to death...shoot I'm one of them.  

However, anytime I can see Mister...ooooo breathe Francine...stop caressing your neck...just whisper it, slowly...Idris Elba...exhale. If he was photo bombing me it would’ve been more of "come on Taker me through the Wire, and Mandela me on down baby..."  I know...smh...apologize Ma.

Until Next Time, Tune In...

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