Sunday, December 9, 2012

Stay Tuned!!!

Hello Everyone & Welcome!

OMG! I can't believe I'm finally doing this...BLOGGING...AHHHH (in my best boy band groupie voice)!!!!  I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say, "You should have your own reality show, Francine."  I laugh at it, but sometimes wonder why I haven't done that...oh yeah that's right...too much disclosed.   So I'm trying blogging out, and think it will allow you to enter my world, but without the mayhem.

You may ask why I decided to title my blog Tune In Mi Head...and no "MI" is not misspelled to those who have experienced my terrible text skills lol.  Anyway... for one, I have a love for music...all kinds.   I can't live without it...I mean I'm the girl who will play her playlist during commercials of her favorite TV show.  It feels good and no one can take that away from me.  As my friend said "what ever creams my Twinkie," that may not come across the right way now that I typed it lol...

If it was my choice people will totally talk and live their life in song...I mean just like the Karaoke Trident commercial...  

When people talk to may be  one word that triggers it...but yes I will literally sing a tune in my head with a shoulder bounce...that's me containing myself.  It may seem rude initially, but as you get to know me it's just me...nothing personal.

Needless to say I am approaching 35, and there are a lot of goals I want to accomplish...blogging scratched off :). They will be completed, but to my own tune.   With that being said SUBSCRIBE to my blogs  and catch the 411 as I journey through my list.  You will enjoy these great and sometimes awkward moments right along with me. Remember it's my tune though, so you might not always agree with it...but you can't say that you won't enjoy reading about it.


  1. I can see you bobbing your head as people are talking to you- singing a song - a made up tune about what they are saying..rotf
