Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Congratulations,Your Dreams Are Valid...#Oscars!

“And the Oscar goes to… ….Lupita Nyong’o.”  Applause thunders the hall.  Tears of joy are streaming down faces. Large inhale exhale embraces take place.  She graces the stage, and runs her finger tips along the golden statue.  In that moment on Sunday, at TheOscar’s 86th Academy Awards, Lupita and her peers considered her an ever deserving award winning actress.

Then Monday, hits.  People are in their Monday Moody Moods, therefore congratulations and excitements turn into critics and pessimist.  Social media is ranting and raving about previous night’s accolades.  Then you hear the backward compliments.  You know the compliment… always followed up with a “but” then some form of criticism.

I’m sure many have heard, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.”  However, there is still a time and place for everything.  Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, I mean shoot, I even appreciate it on my postings.  People, please post your comments, I want them. However, that doesn’t mean you criticize when I win my Pulitzer Prize. Sometimes it’s just great to allow somebody to be in the words of Pharrell Williams, Happy, and you hold your “I’m Just keeping it 100” to yourself.

If you know me this was my favorite part.
So yes, Lupita is a black woman; yes she’s another black woman that’s won another Oscar.  However, let’s look beyond that.  I haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave, or majority of the movies that gained recognition. Even with the social media hype surrounding Lupita, I didn’t know who she was until the final days of the Oscars.  However, as I watched her acceptance speech, a tear formed.  Not because I’m seeing another black woman reaching success, but a person realizing they have every reason to be validated.

The tear that formed for Lupita was the same tear that formed for Jared Leto acknowledging his mother, Matthew McConauhey's three things he needs each day, and the Steve McQueen's overly zealous stage hopping.  That tear would’ve formed as one of my many friends told me they are going back to school, their child passed the class they struggled in all year, they performed their first flash mob…or whatever random happiness that sparks them.

So, as I read statements such as “Congratulations Lupita, hope your success doesn’t end like many other black women who’ve won Oscars.” Or the comment, “People only hype her up because they’re amazed by her skin tone.” Which, by the way, I wish somebody would have the audacity to tell me I’m liked because I’m orange.  You know what let me just collect some money for you to give you some help.

So, for those out there that posted some form of criticism on someone’s page or their own, it’s best sometimes just to lift people up.  I know it might seem hard, but start small.  Better yet, I’ll give you a few you can use… please feel free to change the toning to apply genuinely ….your hair is nice, ooooo love those shoes, or my favorite, YOUR SHOULDERS ARE BANGING…I love it when people notice my shoulders (laughing, but very serious).  Sooner or later it will come naturally, and what you will also start realizing is that the compliments you receive in return will double too…I’m just saying.

Congratulations to all the Oscar nominees, winners, and anyone else who's doing the damn thang.

Until Next Time.

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