Well, In case you're out of the loop, last year I took the promotion at my job...Yayyyyy....but at the same time I also took off my engagement ring, officially. Gasp for air, no, as much as I believe in the Human Rights Campaign, the Pride Generation has not taken me under their wing; nor have I lost my mind.
It use to bother me about people's reactions, because they couldn't see that I was happy with my decision and they felt like I needed to be coached back into it. Let's rewind..."OMG I can't believe it...he's so nice", "Giiiiirrrrrllll a black man with BENEFITS you trippin," "Well y'all been together this long...I'm sure y'all reconcile." or my favorite; "You have to go through a lot of hardships i.e. constant arguing, accusing, lying in order for you two to see that it's real and appreciate it in the end."
Now I'm typically a very positive person, it's been proven I took a test. Sometimes being too optimistic is my downfall, always trying to see the glass as half full. It could cloud my judgment, but thank God my realist factor breaks it down for me. In my best Lil Kim voice..."Shall I proceed, yes indeed."
1. When he proposes on one knee, in your house, and you leave him there and get drunk with Patron and Mr. Pure juice...probably not the best reaction.
2. Instead of saying "yes" you say..."Uhhhhh let me get back to you on that...".
3. A week goes by and you're still trying to negotiate...."Soooo, if I do say yes...does that meannnnn we are going tooooooooo....???"
4. When you say "I didn't know Ashton Kutcher stll had a show...okay, I was Punk'd... ya'll can come out now (applaud)."
5. When you realize we met in order to introduce our best friends to each other...and now our job is done..,because they're married...that's our purpose.
6. When you find out you're daddy declined the 40 acres and a mule in exchange for his daughter's hand in marriage...it kinda felt like a scene from Color Purple.
But Nettie you flat out can't have. Not now. Not never. |
7. When you think, in the case this doesn't work, can I sale the ring on EBay in order to pay for a trip or buy +Beyonce tickets.
8. Never mind, you can have the ring back...thank God for the new career move...Me Myself and I can afford +BEYONCE after all...uh oh uh oh uh oh.
Tickets...check...bodysuit...check...Get Me Right Pumps...check |
Until next time stay tuned...